The methodological framework of the project encompasses several key phases.

In the first phase, an in-depth analysis of the current status and utilization of educational VR across Spain, Finland, Germany, and Bulgaria is conducted. Concurrently, a comprehensive study is undertaken to identify the pedagogical requirements perceived by secondary school educators in these countries within the realm of STEM subjects.

In a second phase, VR materials are created to be tested in three secondary schools in each of these countries. The project works with 50 students per school (a total of 600 students across Europe) and at least 12 teachers per country (about 50 in total). The project analyzes the experience of both groups (students and teachers) to gain a better understanding of the educational potential of this technology.

The allocation of leadership responsibilities within the consortium’s participating members is as follows:

  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Coordinates and supervises the entire project. Also responsible for social media for disseminating information about VIRION.
  • HafenCity Universitat Hamburg: Develops the project’s website portal, an interactive repository of VR educational solutions, as well as an initial mapping of the educational VR situation in Europe.
  • Tsar Simeon Veliki Secondary School: A Bulgarian secondary school leading the identification of educational needs for the application of VR and its adaptation to the educational curriculum of the participating countries.
  • LUT University: Responsible for project communication strategies and planning.
  • Premium VR: Company responsible for developing educational content and the VR environment to be implemented in educational centers in the participating countries.